Kako bi izgledalo 9 likova iz “Titanic” da ih igraju drugi glumci

Teško je zamisliti tako uspješan film kao što je Titanic bez nevjerojatne glumačke postave. Ali ponekad te slavne osobe zamalo nisu dobile ulogu. Na kraju je sudbina odlučila tko će glumiti ove prekrasne likove. Stoga smo upotrijebili svoju maštu da vidimo kako bi neki od likova ove hvaljene produkcije izgledali da su ih drugi glumili.

1. Johnny Depp kao Jack Dawson

© Titanic / Paramount Pictures and co-producers, AF Archive/Graham Whitby Boot/Mary Evans Picture Library/East News

2. Robert De Niro kao Captain Smith

© Titanic / Paramount Pictures and co-producers© Cop Land / Miramax and co-producers

3. Lindsay Lohan kao Cora Cartmell

© Titanic / Paramount Pictures and co-producers© The Parent Trap / Walt Disney Pictures and co-producers

4. Reba McEntire kao Molly Brown

© Titanic / Paramount Pictures and co-producers, AF Archive/Graham Whitby Boot/Mary Evans Picture Library/East Ne

5. Matthew McConaughey kao Cal Hockley

© Titanic / Paramount Pictures and co-producers, AF Archive/Graham Whitby Boot/Mary Evans Picture Library/East News

6. Fay Wray kao stara Rose

© Titanic / Paramount Pictures and co-producers© Ron Galella / Ron Galella Collection / Getty Images

7. Jennifer Aniston kao Rose DeWitt Bukater

© Titanic / Paramount Pictures and co-producers© New York Daily News Archive / New York Daily News / Getty Images

8. Tom Wilkinson kao Spicer Lovejoy

© Titanic / Paramount Pictures and co-producers© The Full Monty / Twentieth Century Fox and co-producers

9. Sean Connery kao Brock Lovett

© Titanic / Paramount Pictures and co-producers© Rose Hartman / Archive Photos / Getty Images