14 puta su ljudi toliko loše objašnjavali filmove da je bilo smiješno

U Indiji se u prosjeku godišnje proizvede oko 1600 filmova na različitim jezicima, što je čini zemljom s najvećom filmskom produkcijom na svijetu. Uz to, 500 milijuna tweetova sruši internet svaki dan. Danas vam predstavljamo vrlo smiješnu kombinaciju ovih medija.

1. Star Wars: Episode V

© D Grand/twitter© 20th century fox

2. Shrek

© Khadi Don/Twitter© DreamWorks Animation

3. Titanic

© sanct/twitter© Paramount Pictures© 20th Century Fox

4. Lord of the Rings

© Eser Unsalan/twitter© New Line Cinema

5. Harry Potter

© Connor McCartan/twitter© Warner Bros Pictures

6. The Revenant

© Dawud McButtNuggets/twitter© 20th Century Fox

7. Friends

© Helen Geng/twitter© Warner Bros Television

8. The Hunger Games

© realtraitorfinn/twitter© Lions Gate Films

9. Star Wars

© ThePhangirl17/twitter© 20th Century Fox

10. The Martian

© life_explored/twitter© 20th Century Fox

11. Avengers: Infinity War

© BenHartWithNoe/twitter© Walt Disney Studios© Marvel Studios

12. Thor

© George Giannopoulos/twitter© Walt Disney Studios© Marvel Studios

13. The Martian

© Raz/twitter© 20th Century Fox

14. Avengers: Infinity War

© Lena Pixner/twitter© Walt Disney Studios© Marvel Studios