Kako bi popularni filmski likovi izgledali da su suprotnog spola

I u 21. stoljeću još uvijek postoji neujednačena pojava ženskih i muških glavnih likova u filmovima. Statistike pokazuju da su žene činile 35% glavnih likova, a muškarci ostalih 65%. Odlučili smo uz pomoć umjetne inteligencije zamisliti kako bi naši omiljeni filmski junaci izgledali kao suprotni spol.

1. Wednesday

© Wednesday / MGM Television and co-producers

2. Spider-Man

© Spider-Man: No Way Home / Marvel Studios and co-producers

3. Jack Sparrow

© Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl / Walt Disney Pictures and co-producer

4. Miranda Priestly

© The Devil Wears Prada / Fox 2000 Pictures and co-producers

5. Loki

© Loki / Marvel Studios

6. Dracula

© Dracula / American Zoetrope and co-producers

7. Hermione Granger

© Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros. and co-producers

8. Legolas

© The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring / The Saul Zaentz Company and co-producers

9. Witcher

© The Witcher / Netflix and co-producers

10. Wonder Woman

© Wonder Woman / Warner Bros. and co-producers