14 slavnih osoba koje su s ponosom odlučile ljuljati svoju prirodnu srebrnu kosu

Nedavno je 64-godišnja glumica Andie MacDowell bila model tijekom Paris Fashion Week pokazujući svoju prekrasnu bijelu kosu. Glumica je objavila dirljivu objavu na svom Instagramu u kojoj je napisala: “Uvijek mi je čast predstavljati žene određene dobi.” I baš poput MacDowella, mnogi drugi glumci prihvaćaju svoj prirodan, ali seksi izgled, a evo njih 14.

1. Andie MacDowell

Byron Purvis / SIPA / East News, Laurent Vu / SIPA / SIPA / East News
Laurent Vu / SIPA / SIPA / East News

2. Pierce Brosnan

Courtesy Everett Collection / Everett Collection / East News, © piercebrosnanofficial / Instagram

3. Eric Dane

Touchstone Television / Courtesy Everett Collection / East News, © realericdane / Instagram

4. Matt LeBlanc

© mleblanc / Instagram

5. Tan France

© tanfrance / Instagram© tanfrance / Instagram

6. Jane Fonda

© Grace and Frankie / Skydance Media and Co-producers© janefonda / Instagram

7. Jamie Lee Curtis

© jamieleecurtis / Instagram© jamieleecurtis / Instagram

8. Tia Mowry

© tiamowry / Instagram© tiamowry / Instagram

9. Helen Mirren

© O Lucky Man! / Memorial Enterprises and Co-producer© helenmirren / Instagram

10. Jeff Bridges

Buena Vista Pictures / Courtesy Everett Collection / East News, © thejeffbridges / Instagram

11. Robert DeNiro

Warner Bros / Courtesy Everett Collection / East News, Collin Xavier / Image Press Agency ABACA / Abaca / East News

12. Richard Gere

Courtesy Everett Collection / East News, JEAN-BAPTISTE LACROIX / AFP / East News

13. Stacy London

© stacylondonreal / Instagram© stacylondonreal / Instagram

14. Chris Pine

MICHAEL TRAN / AFP / East News, Jordan Strauss / Invision / East News